Author: PVHS

Walking and Your Dog

Daily walks with your dog promote exercise, mental stimulation, and strengthen the bond between you, leading to a healthier, happier pet.

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Tick Season in Manitoba

Wood ticks, common in outdoor areas, can transmit diseases to our pets, making tick prevention and removal essential.

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April is Canine Fitness Month

Keeping your dog happy, healthy, active and engaged is incredibly important!

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Cat Nutrition by Life Stage

Not all cats are the same…their food shouldn’t be either!

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What is “Whisker Fatigue”?

Whisker Fatigue is something you should know the signs of…read on to learn more.

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Hallowe’en Pet Safety Tips

Pet Halloween safety includes avoiding harmful treats, comfortable costumes, and ensuring a stress-free environment for a fun and safe celebration.

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Animals and Your Mental Health

Pets offer unconditional love and companionship, reducing stress and loneliness, and promoting overall mental well-being in their owners.

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Why You Should Let Your Dog Sniff On A Walk

Letting your dog sniff on walks enriches their mental stimulation, allowing them to explore their environment and enjoy the outing fully.

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Tips for Grieving A Pet For Seniors

Pet loss can be especially profound for seniors, causing grief and increased feelings of loneliness, emphasizing the significance of pet companionship.

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The Loss of a Pet is Real Grief

Pet loss leaves an enduring void, invoking grief akin to losing a family member, emphasizing the profound emotional connection.

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