What the Floof?

The Backyard Breeder

– by Tania Sigurdson, Education Chair I have heard this phrase, “backyard breeder” many times as I am sure you have as well but I think it is time to re-visit what this actually is and

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Ringworm – What Is It, Really?

– by Tania Sigurdson, PVHS Education Chair The first time I heard about ringworm – I assumed it involved worms.  Of course I did – it is right in the title!  I was very surprised

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February is Pet Dental Health Month

by Tania Sigurdson, PVHS Education Chair So, February is Pet Dental Health month and I have to confess…I have not been a great pet mum for good dental health over the years.  I have bought the

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Clean Those Paws!

We can safely say, in Manitoba, we have a few more months of snow on the horizon.  No matter the weather, our doggos need their walkies!  However, we need to take extra precautions at this

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Pet Safety During the Holidays

 – by Tania Sigurdson, PVHS Education Chair It is that time again – the holiday season.  With it comes one of my favourite activities – decorating for Christmas!  And our family, we go all out! 

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Animal Care in Winter

As the days grow shorter and temperatures plummet, it’s essential to remember that our pets need extra care and attention during the winter months.

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Should You Share Your Bed With Your Dog?

Sharing a bed with your dog can strengthen the bond and provide comfort, but consider hygiene and space for quality sleep.

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Heartworm Prevention for Your Pets

Heartworm prevention in pets is crucial, as it safeguards their health and well-being from a potentially deadly and costly disease.

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How Rare is Your Cat’s Eye Colour?

Cats’ eyes are marvels of nature, featuring exceptional night vision and striking, expressive variations in color and shape.

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Walking and Your Dog

Daily walks with your dog promote exercise, mental stimulation, and strengthen the bond between you, leading to a healthier, happier pet.

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