All About Cats

What the Floof offers educational resources and guidance on how to properly care for your beloved cats!

Gardeners beware!

Spring is finally here!  Many people enjoy creating a beautiful and vibrant outdoor space when it comes to gardening. However, if you have pets, it’s important to be aware that some plants and flowers can be toxic to them.

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How to Effectively Communicate With Your Vet

Our pets are a valuable part of our lives and we want to ensure that they receive the best possible care. One of the key components of ensuring that our pets receive the best care

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The Backyard Breeder

– by Tania Sigurdson, Education Chair I have heard this phrase, “backyard breeder” many times as I am sure you have as well but I think it is time to re-visit what this actually is and

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Ringworm – What Is It, Really?

– by Tania Sigurdson, PVHS Education Chair The first time I heard about ringworm – I assumed it involved worms.  Of course I did – it is right in the title!  I was very surprised

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February is Pet Dental Health Month

by Tania Sigurdson, PVHS Education Chair So, February is Pet Dental Health month and I have to confess…I have not been a great pet mum for good dental health over the years.  I have bought the

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Pet Safety During the Holidays

 – by Tania Sigurdson, PVHS Education Chair It is that time again – the holiday season.  With it comes one of my favourite activities – decorating for Christmas!  And our family, we go all out! 

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Animal Care in Winter

As the days grow shorter and temperatures plummet, it’s essential to remember that our pets need extra care and attention during the winter months.

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Heartworm Prevention for Your Pets

Heartworm prevention in pets is crucial, as it safeguards their health and well-being from a potentially deadly and costly disease.

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How Rare is Your Cat’s Eye Colour?

Cats’ eyes are marvels of nature, featuring exceptional night vision and striking, expressive variations in color and shape.

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Tick Season in Manitoba

Wood ticks, common in outdoor areas, can transmit diseases to our pets, making tick prevention and removal essential.

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